Fathom Studios - Corporate ID Signage / Art piece
Our latest true "portfolio" piece is a signage / art / ID piece we did for Fathom Studios here in Atlanta. Fathom Studios is a group of VERY talented digital artists, animators and tech wizards that are in the process of making an animated feature film called "Delgo". This project was a collaboration with Chord and a couple of Fathom's designers, and we are extremely pleased with the outcome! CLICK HERE to see the pix and read about what we designed and built for them!


Wiretree - Corporate ID Signage / Art piece
We also recently produced a piece for another top-notch digital wizardry shop called Wiretree! They are a web development / creative / all-around-genius shop located in the King Plow complex here in Atlanta. This was another project where the client really let us CUT LOOSE with the design, and the finished piece turned out to be something we wanted to keep for ourselves. Oh well... I guess we could make another one for our own use later on..... CLICK HERE for the goodies!


silverPOP Systems - Corporate ID Signage

Here is a corporate ID signage project we designed and built for Atlanta based technology company silverPOP Systems. This project allowed us to do some really creative things with perforated metal and aluminum. More info to come....

CLICK HERE to view some photos of the piece.


Fountainhead Lounge - ID and Art Signage

Here are a couple of pieces we did for perhaps the finest bar in the southeast, The Fountainhead Lounge in Atlanta Georgia.

The first piece is the main ID sign outside the bar, and the second is an art piece in the front entrance foyer.

CLICK HERE to see the images.